Jakarta (Antara) - National Police Chief General Sutarman said he could not as yet comment much about the shooting of a Jakarta police officer by fellow officer on Tuesday as the cause of the incident is still being investigated.
"We are still investigating it. The police investigators are still working. We must not make guesses," he said at the presidential office here on Wednesday.
He said two people have been questioned in connection with the incident.
"Two people who have been questioned. It was known that a dispute has occurred but when the fire was opened only the person and the one who died in the incident knew about it. His friend did not see it personally. So, it is the task of the investigators to find out," he said.
Sutarman said based on the experience he said gun holding or gun lending procedures need to be reviewed.
"I have conveyed it to working units. Review them to see if the one to be trusted with a gun meets technical as well as psychological requirements. It will be dangerous to trust a gun to someone who has high temper," he said.
Adjunct Senior Commissioner Pamuji was suspected to have been shot to death by Brigadier Susanto on Tuesday at around 9.50 pm at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police Command.
Head of Public Information Section of the National Police Headquarters' Public Relations Division Senior Commissioner Agus Rianto said at a press conference here on Wednesday that "(suspected) perpetrator (Susanto) has not yet confessed. According to him the victim has committed suicide." (*)
reporting by Panca Hari Prabowo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014