Jakarta (Antara) - Muslim intellectuals are expected to support unity in Indonesia and offer solutions to various problems that the country is facing, Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) Budi Susilo Soepandji said here on Saturday.
"Muslim intellectuals often offer statements or suggestions regarding problems faced by this nation, such as people's empowerment, good governance and corruption. Therefore I, as a representative from the government, express appreciation and support to their movement," Budi said, after attending the national meeting of the Indonesian Muslim Scholar Association (ICMI) at the Jakarta Convention Center.
Budi also emphasized the need for Muslim intellectuals to encourage people to be optimistic amid various challenges that Indonesia has to face.
The organization was founded in Malang on December 7, 1990.
The Muslim organization held its national meeting in Jakarta from December 20-21, 2013, which was inaugurated by Vice President Boediono. The theme of this year's meeting is "Indonesian New Economic Movement: Access Mobilization for People Prosperity".
During his opening remarks, VP Boediono talked about the significant role of the ICMI in the development of Indonesia`s democracy, operating as a think-tank that can offer suggestions to the government.
"I have spent more than 30 years in government and I think there are lots of experiences, good and bad, in every period. Hence, I call on all the ICMI`s intellectuals to find those positive experiences from earlier periods that can be passed on to the current government, as well as to the future," stated Boediono. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013