Jakarta (Antara) -- President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo was conferred the Antara Achievement Award during the 77th anniversary celebrations of the Indonesian national news agency here on Thursday evening. President Director of the agency Syaiful Hadi handed the award to President Jokowi, who was accompanied by Communication and Informatics Minister Rudiantara. In addition, six regional government heads, including acting governor of Banten Rano Karno, Governor of East Java Soekarwo, Mayor of Lhokseumawe (Aceh) Suaidi Yahya, Mayor of Bandar Lampung Herman, Mayor of Serang Haerul Jaman, and Mayor of Ambon Richard Louhenapessy, also received awards from Antara. Apart from them, Antara awards were also conferred to four news agencies---Thomson-Reuters, AFP, Bloomberg, and Bernama. Furthermore, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Jakarta Military Chief Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo, and Jakarta's Metropolitan Police Chief Insp. Gen. Unggung, among others, were also in attendance at the national news agency's anniversary celebrations. Antara was established on December 13, 1937, by former vice president Adam Malik and others. (*) Reporting by Panca Hari Prabowo


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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