Jakarta (Antara) - Police said here early on Wednesday morning terrorist suspect Akbar alias Mury alias Donal, arrested on Tuesday, had planned to burn a police post. "He is involved in the Syariatul Irhab group that has planned to burn police posts in Depok and Jakarta," National Police head of public information division Brigadier General Boy Rafli Amar said. Police anti-terror squad Densus 88 AT arrested Akbar alias Muri alias Donal in Cipayung, East Jakarta at around 5.45pm on Tuesday. He was arrested at his house on Jalan Dalang, RT 11/05 Number 55 in Munjul, Cipayung. From the private worker the police confiscated pieces of evidence including casings that would be assembled to make an ammunition, two laptops, assembled PVC pipes, books on jihad and a soft air gun. Akbar's arrest was made following the arrest of Arif Budiawan alias Arif Tuban, the leader of the Syariatul Irhab, earlier on June 19, in Jati Padang, South Jakarta. (*) Reporting by Taufik Ridwan


Editor : FAROCHA

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