Jakarta (Antara) - Golkar Party, the runner up in the April 9 legislative elections, finally declared its support for Prabowo Subianto and Hatta Rajasa as the presidential and vice presidential candidates on Monday. The party's Secretary General Idrus Marham stated that the choice was made because Golkar believed that the two political figures had the required capabilities and the people's mandate. "With regard to implementing the Golkar Party's recent leadership meeting's mandate, General Chairman Aburizal Bakrie had met with Prabowo to discuss the nation's problems, one of them being the future challenges to be faced by the nation which is more complicated, and Golkar agreed that the challenges can only be overcome by strong leadership reflected by Prabowo and Hatta," he reiterated at the declaration of the Prabowo-Hatta ticket. Idrus Marham remarked that Aburizal Bakrie had seriously addressed the interests and aspirations of the people and made it apparent by supporting the Prabowo-Hatta pair. He said Aburizal Bakrie and all Golkar cadres will fully support Prabowo-Hatta. (*) Reporting by Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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