Jakarta (Antara) - Rupiah lost 95 points to close at 11,273 per dollar in interbank transactions on Thursday.
Rully Arya Wisnubroto, a financial market analyst from Bank Mandiri said the market players tended restrain from buying rupiah with the Indonesian economic data expected to fall.
The new economic data are yet to be announced by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Friday.
"Inflation is also expected to rise in October although only slightly at around 0.4 percent," Rully said.
He said the country is expected to continue to suffer current account deficit on falling exports.
Technical factor also contributed to rupiah weakening after an increase in the past several days.
He predicted rupiah would hover around the levels of 10,900--11,200 per dollar on Friday.
Monex Investindo Futures' analyst Zulfirman Basir said investors are still worried about the Fed's plan to cut its bond buying program soon.
"It is strong enough as a negative sentiment for rupiah facing the US dollar," Zulfirman said. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013