Jakarta (Antara) - President Susilo Bambang Wudhoyono will receive a title of defense professor from the Indonesian Defense University (Unhan) due to his expertise in defense affairs. "The defense professor title will be awarded not later than 2014. That will be the first ever award to be given to Indonesian citizen," Unhan Rector, Lt. Gen. Subekti told the press here on Wednesday. According to Subekti, President Yudhoyono deserves to receive such title because his credit points to become a defense professor nearly qualify the minimum requirement. To date, Yudhoyono has taught four times in the Unhan, Subekti pointed out. Apart from teaching in Unhan, Yudhoyono also frequently gave directives relating to the subject matters taught in the university, Subekti said. The president was even involved in formulating the defense program of studies along with a number of professors from University of Indonesia (UI), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Padjadjaran University, Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Airlangga University (Unair), including Mulawarman University. "Unhan is obliged to give the defense professor title to President Yudhoyono because he is expert and practitioner in defense affairs. He also made the design of post-reform curriculum," Subekti noted, adding that Yudhoyono also initiated new paradigm of the Indonesian military. Subekti said further that Yudhoyono has collected a lot of score points. "So, let the Education and Cultural Ministry which will calculate the points. Hopefully the scores will meet the requirement to become a professor next year," Subekti added. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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