Jakarta - A ruling Democrat Party official said the party's former treasurer, Nazaruddin, had hurt his colleagues in the party with his statements so far. Edhi Baskoro, the party's secretary general, said to newsmen at the Parliament Building here on Tuesday that Nazaruddin had gone out of line by making statements from Singapore discrediting other party executives. Nazaruddin was fired by the party following reports he had attempted to bribe Constitutional Court officials. Later he was found to have also been allegedly involved in corruption. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) meanwhile has already named him suspect in a corruption case. Nazaruddin is now in Singapore. Edhi Baskoro said "all his statements made through a short message service or a Blackberry service have hurt the Democrat Party especially the ones he had accused." He said Nazaruddin was a politician not a "singer" and therefore all the songs he had sung were not good to listen to especially by those he had accused (of being involved in his case) as was reported in the mass media so far. He said he praised democracy and freedom of expression. But, he said, it was also not good for a person wanted by the law to speak out in an unappropriate forum. "It is better for Nazar to return home and tell what he knows transparently to law enforcers. We do not like to be continuously judged and tried by the media," he said. When asked if Nazaruddin did that because he did not believe in the country's law enforcement, Edhi said that law enforcement is the command, and if all that Nazaruddin had said was true the Democrat Party would also file a lawsuit. Regarding the names mentioned by Nazaruddin in connection with the bribery case in the Athletes Village project such as Anas Urbaningrum (the party's general chairman) and Angelina Sondakh he diplomatically said that it was not impossible for them to take legal avenues to deal with it. "And I have heard that one of them has already taken the step," he said. Angelina Sondakh meanwhile denied all Nazaruddin's statements. "All of the statements are not true. It is better for him to report them to the KPK to prove and account what he has said," she said adding she could understand the present psychological conditions of Nazaruddin. Angeline said it would be better for Nazaruddin to return and not to continue spreading slender.


Editor : FAROCHA

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