Jayapura, Papua (Antara) - Police have shot dead an armed  law fugitive on the island of Yapen, Papua, after resisting arrest.

Maikel Marani, leader of a gang of armed criminals was killed after exchanges of fires in the village of Konti Unai in Yapen, Papua on Monday morning,  police spokesman sr. comm Ahmad  Kamal said by phone here.

Police came to pick up Maikel Marani  from his hidden place in the house of his parent in law.

"Maikel resisted and police have to shoot him," he said, adding, Maikel has been in the  police list of "wanted men".

Police found an old weapon and ammunition  and the Bintang Kejora flag of the Papua separatists .

Papua is still a hot spot for Indonesia  with  separatist rebels hiding in the mountain jungles of the country's easternmost  and backward province.(*)

Pewarta: Supervisor

Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

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