Jakarta, (Antara) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani has said she will set up and announce a reform team for the taxation directorate general.

The reform team is intended not only to deal with  corruption but it would concern five strategic aspects, the minister said here on Tuesday.

The first concerns human resources  and product strategy that is to create more effective, competent and professional methods of  fighting corruption, she said.

"The second concerns information system and data base that will help us identify the obligation of tax payers more objectively  and to reduce  the need for inter action between tax officers and tax payers that could lead to illegal transactions such as the one just caught red handed by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)," Sri Muliyani said.

The minister referred to a middle ranking official at the taxation directorate caught red handed by KPN on Monday night accepting bribe from a businessman.
The third is about the need to improve business  and internal process of the taxation directorate general.

The fourth concerns the need to improve institutional structure including organizational structure of the taxation directorate general and its regional offices.

"The vulnerability of special staff is not the  same in all levels , thereby, the institutional structure needs to be reviewed," the minister said.

The fifth is the need to revise the draft law or the law regulating tax general stipulation and procedure (KUP), income tax (PPh) law,  and  value added tax (VAT) law, she said.

"Now in the process of discussion with the House of Representatives are law on KUP and income tax law  and VAT law.  They are in the process for amendment," she said.

She said implementation of five strategies of tax reform constitutes a  commitment of the finance ministry in a bid to regain the public confidence in the tax institution.

On Monday night, KPK arrested a middle ranking official of the taxation directorate general Handang Soekarno (HS), who was caught red handed accepting a bribe from a businessman R. Rajamohanan Nair (RRN).

RRN, Director of PT EK Prima Ekspor Indonesia (EKP) and three of his staff, were also arrested  as well HS's driver and adjutant.

RRN handed over the bribe money US$148,500 or around Rp1.9 billion in his house in Springhill Residences in Kemayoran, Jakarta to Handang at 20.00 local time.

KPK grabbed HS, his driver and adjutant when they were about to leave that place. The KPK officers then enter the house and arrested RRN.

The two staff of RRN were picked up from their respective houses in Pamulang, South Tangerang and Pulomas, East Jakarta.

KPK chairman Agus Raharjo said the money received by HS was believed to be related to a number of tax problems faced by PT EKP including its tax obligation of Rp78 billion.

After investigations 24 hours following the arrest, KPK named HS and RRN  as suspects.

HS, if found guilty is facing a jail term of up to 20 years with a fine of up to Rp1 billion and RRN could be sentenced to a maximum 5 years' imprisonment with a fine of up to Rp50 million.(*)

Pewarta: Supervisor

Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2016