Surabaya, E Java (Antara) -- Some 55 young scientists from the 10 member states of the ASEAN will meet at the Young Engineer and Scientist (YES) Summit 2015 here from June 5 to 9, the chief organizer said.
"The 55 young scientists, comprising 28 Indonesians and 27 from other ASEAN countries, will formulate an "Idea Book" that will deal with the three sectors of transportation, energy and information and communication technology," Andre Surya Pradana, the chairman of the organizing committee, stated here on Tuesday.
He added that the YES Summit 2015 was initiated by activists of the Students' Executive Board (BEM) of the Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) in 2011.
"The YES Summit was initiated because most of the forums that grouped young scientists were on leadership and management. Forums for young professionals had yet to be thought of," he explained.
After passing through various deliberations, the YES Summit was established in 2012 and was introduced to various universities in Java. The first YES Summit was held in 2013.
After the forum was welcomed by universities outside Java, such as by those in Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Bali, in 2014, the YES Summit was held on a national scale focused solely on land, sea and air transportation.
For 2015, the YES Summit has been expanded to cover the ASEAN region because the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will be implemented in 2015.
So far, 360 students have signed up to participate in the summit.
"Regarding the theme of the YES Summit 2015, we will focus on energy, transportation and information and communication technology because these three are in line with the AEC's master plan of realizing 'ASEAN Connectivity." (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2015
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2015