Jayapura (Antara) - Jayapura Regent Mathius Awaitauw said he hopes the state cement producer PT Semen Indonesia will carry out its plan to build the first cement factory in Papua as scheduled. The presence of a a big cement factory in Papua would contributed greatly to economic development in the region, Mathius said. Implementation of a number of infrastructure project in the region has been delayed because of problem in supply of building materials mainly cement, he said. The price of cement soared high in Papua on scarcity of supply as a result of problem in distribution from cement producing regions. "Meanwhile, Papua is busy building infrastructure but implementations is often delayed because of the soaring price of cement," the regent said here on Friday. On Thursday, the Jayapura district administration and PT Semen Indonesia announced cooperation to build a cement factory in that district. "Significant progress has been recorded ind development in the regency of over the past 15 years," Mathius said. However, the process of development has often been hampered by the scarcity in supply of building matwerials mainly cement, he repeated saying. He said the district is rich in natural resources including in the raw material needed to build a cement factory . "The district administration would welcome plan by PT Semen Indonesia to build a cement factory in Papua," he said. The factory will help accelerate infrastructure development in the district of Jayapura and Papua in general. The raw material for cement is found in abundance in various areas in Papua, he said. Clay is found in abundance in 16 districts such as Waibu, Sentani Barat Moi, Ebungfau, Kemtuk, Namblong, Kemtuk Gresi, Gresi Selatan, Nimboran, Nimbokrang, Unurum Guay, Yapsi, Ravenirara, Depapre, Yokari and Demta districts. "In those districts, clay, limestone, coal, iron sand, aluminum ans silica have been known to be easily available," the regent said. He calls on all the local people to support the plan to PT Semen Indonesia to carry out its plan. A director of PT Semen Indonesia Rizkan Chandra said the plan to build a cement factory in Jayapura is to support plan to accelerate development in eastern Indonesia. "I have seen the potentials in basic material quantity and quality of the raw materials, and I think the project is feasible. We will soon start explorations, and certainly we will need support from the local people," Riskan said. He said the exploration will taker five to six months and ground breaking could take place early next year. "If everything would go as expected the factory could start operation in 2018," he added. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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