Jakarta (Antara) - The Indonesian People's Struggle Federation (SPRI) has urged Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok), who was inaugurated as Jakarta governor on Wednesday, to stop demolishing slums in the capital. "We urge Governor Ahok to stop demolishing the houses belonging to underprivileged families in the capital," spokesman of the SPRI-Jakarta Chapter Rio Ayudhia Putra stated during a rally here on Wednesday. The rally took place outside the State Palace where President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo inaugurated Basuki as Jakarta governor. Rio noted that offering flats in the capital's outskirts as compensation to the unprivileged families whose houses were razed down was not an appropriate decision. "As a result, they will lose access to their livelihood," he pointed out. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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