Jakarta, (Antara) - Antasari Azhar has requested the court to summon the Chief of the National Police's Crime Investigation Department (Bareskrim), Inspector General Suhardi Alius, to be a witness in his pre-trial session. "We have asked the judge to call the Bareskrim chief because he is the one responsible for all research and investigation concerning our case," he said at a pre-trial hearing regarding a false testimony here on Wednesday. Azhar, who is a former chief of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and is convicted of premeditated murder, further stated that the appearance of the Bareskrim chief was crucial to reveal the truth in the court session. "We also filed our first report to the national police's Bareskrim," he noted. In addition to requesting the presence of the Bareskrim chief, Azhar also asked the court to summon a few police investigators handling his case. "We consider investigators important as well because they know what was happening," he added. Azhar presented a list of witnesses to the judge, which included the names of Barkeskrim's Inspector General Suhardi Alius, West Java Police Chief Mochamad Iriawan, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Daniel Bolly Tifona, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Nico Afinta, and Adjunct Senior Commissioner Helmy Santika, who had investigated his case earlier. The former KPK chief has been serving an 18-year imprisonment at the Tangerang Penitentiary since 2011 after being convicted of premeditated murder. He has denied the charges and has tirelessly launched efforts to pursue a court ruling that rescinds his conviction as the mastermind of the murder of businessman Nasruddin Zulkarnaen in 2009. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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