Jakarta (Antara) - Golkar Party chief patron Akbar Tanjung said he was ready to be nominated as a vice presidential candidate after next Wednesday's legislative elections. "Now, political parties are still focusing attention on obtaining as many votes as possible in the upcoming April 9 legislative elections," Akbar Tanjung said here on Monday. He said as the chief patron of the Golkar Party he had visited various regions to directly communicate with voters to promote Golkar, so that it would win an optimal number of votes. The Advisory Council chief of the Golkar Party said the party's target in the next legislative elections was high, namely to win 30 percent of the total votes or about 176 seats in the parliament. Akbar, who was also a former Golkar Party general chairman, added that during a three-week campaign, he had visited 15 provinces and tens of district towns in the country. He stated that he had deliberately avoided popularizing himself as a vice presidential candidate. In his tour of the regions to directly communicate with the people, Akbar found sympathy and aspirations for his nomination as a vice presidential candidate, including requesting and supporting his candidature, particularly from the younger generation and university students. Further, former activists of student youth organizations, who called themselves Indonesia Networks (Jari), had agreed to support him as a vice presidential candidate. Akbar, who was also a former general chairman of the Indonesian Muslim Students Association (HMI) and the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI), asserted that the former activists who formed the Jari were his cadres who had formed activist networks across the country. "I had given them an answer that I was ready to be nominated as a vice presidential candidate after the legislative elections, if there was a political party that wanted to offer it," he noted. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014