Jakarta (Antara) - Political communications experts from the Paramadina University Hendri Satrio said the polemics between Jakarta's Vice Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Gema Keadilan, a mass organization of the Islamic Justice and Prosperous Party (PKS) would only hurt the interest of the people of Jakarta. Gema Keadilan claimed that 93 percent of the people of Jakarta are against a Christian governor. Ahok as Basuki is popularly called is a Christian and ethnic Chinese from the Gerindra Party. According to the country's regulation, Ahok will automatically replace Governor Joko Widodo, if the latter won the presidency or resigned. Joko Widodo and Ahok won with a strong majority the gubernatorial election less than two years ago, and the pair has gained reputation as clean and firm administrators. Joko Widodo has been named candidate by opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle to contest the presidency in July. "This is an endless and useless debate. The protest by Gema Keadilan against Ahok is misplaced," Hendri said on Saturday, adding, "It is no fault of Ahok if he becomes governor." "If Gema Keadilan has to protest they should address their protest or anger to the party which nominated Joko Widodo as presidential candidate . That is if Gema Keadilan has enough the gut," he said. He said the debate should be put to en end , adding debates should be on program . "Ahok has a program and Gema Keadilan should criticize or reject if the program is considered not right," he said. He also advised Ahok to improve his political communications that he should not be too reactive. He expressed strong doubt about the claim of Gema Keadilan that research showed 93 percent of the Jakarta people would reject Ahok as their governor. "Gema Keadilan needs to explain how the research has been carried out," he said. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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