Semarang, C Java (Antara) - The Indonesian Transportation Ministry has instructed all airports in Indonesia to be aware of the possibility of the appearance of the Boeing 777 of the Malaysia Airlines in their territory. "We have instructed airports in Indonesia to remain alert for signals from or sightings of the MH370 airplane," the Transportation Deputy Minister, Bambang Susantono, said here on Tuesday. According to him, the Ministry had instructed the airports to be prepared as the Malaysian Government is still developing the case and it has many possibilities, including a terrorist act. The Indonesian Transportation Ministry had recently increased aerial surveillance to help the Malaysian government find the aircraft. "We have not received any information from airports in Indonesia about the sighting of the MH370 aircraft, which could have been hijacked by unknown persons," he said. The Ministry had increased the level of awareness in airports to secure and guard flights in the Indonesian territory. He said Indonesia has a radar that is located in Natuna waters, which can detect an aircraft's position. "Our ministry had also coordinated with the related Malaysian authority to exchange information and increase awareness for the MH370 aircraft," he added. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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