Magetan, East Java (Antara Jatim) - The Indonesian Air Force has withdrawn five fighter jets from Australia that were participating in the joint Elang Ausido exercise, in response to the wiretapping of several Indonesian authorities, officials said. Iswahyudi Military Airbase spokesman Colonel Minggit Prabowo said here on Saturday that the five F-16 jets returned to the Indonesian airbase on Friday. "The withdrawal of five fighter jets is part of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's policy following the wiretapping by Australian intelligence officials against a number of state officials, including the president himself and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono," Minggit said. According to Minggit, the Elang Ausindo joint exercise will last until November 24, 2013. Due to the earlier wiretapping incident, Indonesia withdrew its five fighter jets, along with 60 Air Force personnel who were participating in the exercise. Minggit noted that the fighter jets, withdrawn from Australia, will be used to patrol and maintain Indonesian security.(*)


Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

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