Jakarta (Antara) - Australia faces the threat of losing influence in Asia if it fails to apologize to Indonesia over the spying allegations, an international communications expert has said.
"If relations between the two countries worsen, Australia will be the party that will be at a disadvantage because Indonesia is the gateway for Canberra's influence in Asia," Anies Baswedan, who is also rector of Paramadina University, said here on Thursday.
Baswedan, who is one of the Democratic Party's (PD) Presidential Convention contestants, noted that Indonesia has a strong bargaining position and could insist that Australia issue an apology over the alleged spying activities.
"Australia needs Indonesia more than Indonesia needs Australia," he added.
The Indonesian government has suspended a number of cooperation agreements with Australia in connection with the alleged wire-tapping by Australian intelligence agencies. However, the steps taken by the Indonesian government have not yet prompted Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to issue an official apology.
Abbott has to apologize in front of the Australian Parliament, and admit that wiretapping is a normal practice carried out by all countries.
According to Anies, Indonesia must take a firm stand against Australia.
"The wire-tapping by Australia was an inappropriate action that belittled the Indonesian people. Therefore, the Indonesian government must adopt a firmer position on the matter," Anies said. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013