Medan, N Sumatra (Antara) - Hundreds of members of hardline Islamic group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) staged a rally outside the North Sumatra provincial legislative council on Thursday to protest against a plan to organise the Miss World 2013 in the country.
The demonstrators warned the government against issuing a permit to the event's organising committee, arguing that the contest would have a negative impact on the public, particularly the younger generation.
Muslimah, coordinator of HTI chapter in North Sumatra, said the contest violates women's rights as the event exhibits parts of the female body.
As part of the Muslim community which highly respects women, HTI stood firm against the pageant beauty contest which violated religious norms and harassed women's dignity, she said.
"Women are respected creature and are not an object of exploitation," she said.
HTI also expressed hope that the government would respect the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI)'s decision banning the contest in the country.
Therefore, the government should revoke a permit to organize the event, she said.
HTI is one of Islamic organizations in the country which are opposed to the contest. The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said earlier it also rejected the contest.
Earlier, Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali called on the event's organizing committee to consider the MUI's decision to avoid controversy over the holding of the beauty contest in Indonesia.
Muhyiddin Junaidi, MUI's head of foreign affairs, said recently the council stood firm against the contest.
"After closely observing and studying carefully regarding those who are against and in favor of the Miss World 2013 in Indonesia, MUI hereby states its rejection to it," he said.
Indonesia is scheduled to host the Miss World 2013 on September 4-6 in Jakarta and Bali.
The MNC as the organizer meanwhile has said that no bikini session would be held in the world's beauty contest.
Despite the statement MUI however remains rejecting the event. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013