Cianjur, W Java (Antara)- Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa said on Sunday essential goods and fuel will be sufficiently available in the country until Idul Fitri celebrations in mid August. Hatta also guaranteed that the prices will remain normal, saying beef supply will be increased with imports of 20,000 tons to enter the market toward the end of this month. He said the price of red onion is also expected to decline with larger supply through imports. The people have been complaining over price hikes especially the prices of red onion and beef on the domestic market over the past several months. He said the government will maintain stocks enough for 20 days ahead. He said the price of imported beef must not be less than Rp75 per kg or cheaper than local products to protect the local livestock farmers. He said the country has 6.5 million cow farmers having 14 million cows altogether. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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