Jakarta - Secretary General of the Muslim World League (MWL )Syekh Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Mukhsin Al Turki is scheduled to visit Indonesia to attend the Second International Islamic Media Conference here on December 12-16, 2011. The conference would be participated in by 135 representatives from 33 Muslim majority countries, Zubaidi, a spokesman of the religious affairs ministry, said here on Friday. Some 335 Indonesians have registered for participation in the conference, he said. However, the ministry would select just some of them because of the limited number of seats available, he added. Zubaidi said Islam is a peaceful religion, and the conference would encourage the media to disseminate peaceful and moderate Islamic teachings. Vice President Boediono will officially open the conference. In addition to Dr. Abdullah, who is former Saudi religious affairs minister, the conference's other speakers will include Communication and Informatics Minister Tifatul Sembiring and several information ministers from other countries. The first International Islamic Media Conference was organized in Jakarta in 1980. Hasbu Marzuki, the head of the religious affairs ministry's international cooperation and relations section, said the conference would discuss the impacts of the media on the Islamic world. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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