Jakarta,(Antara) - President Joko Widodo will officially launch the country's first equatorial satellite  LAPAN-A2/LAPAN-ORARI, on Thursday.

Based on information made available to Antara news agency,   LAPAN A2 satellite would be launched at the Technology Center of the National Aviation and Outer Space (LAPAN) at Rancabungur, the district of Bogor.

LAPAN-A2 is wholly an Indonesian product. Its first series LAPAN A1  was built in Germany.

LAPAN-A2 has functions of producing the earth chart, monitoring sea vessels  and facilitating amateurish communications.

The micro satellite  would have its orbit near the equatorial line, which will pass through the Indonesian outer space more often or every 1.5 hours.

The satellite has a camera with a resolution of 4 to 8 meters.(*)

Pewarta: Supervisor

Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

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