Surabaya, E Java (Antara) - The number of tourists visiting the coastal area of Kanjeran in Surabaya city has risen during the past three years.
One of the tourist spots that have drawn foreign tourists is the Kanjeran Coastal Amusement Center (THP), the Chief of the Surabaya City Culture and Tourism Office, Wiwiek Widayati said on Saturday.
"We continue to conduct promotional campaigns so the number of foreign tourists will increase," she said.
The number of foreign tourists visiting the coastal area rose to 307 in 2014, from 201 in 2013. "In 2015, the number had reached 171 till July. We expect it to increase from the previous year," she added.
A total of 423,715 domestic tourists visited the area in 2013 and 526,310 in 2014. In the first seven months of this year the number had touched 313,787.
Many people are not aware that Surabaya has six-hectare coast in Kanjeran. However, the coast has not been managed well.
The city government is planning to develop the potential of the coast stretching from Gunung Anyar to Kenjeran, she said.
The area has not only coastal tourism, but also a fishermen kampoong and a fish center.
The city government is also formulating several plans to rearrange the coastal area, hoping it will serve as a new icon of Surabaya city, she said. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2015
One of the tourist spots that have drawn foreign tourists is the Kanjeran Coastal Amusement Center (THP), the Chief of the Surabaya City Culture and Tourism Office, Wiwiek Widayati said on Saturday.
"We continue to conduct promotional campaigns so the number of foreign tourists will increase," she said.
The number of foreign tourists visiting the coastal area rose to 307 in 2014, from 201 in 2013. "In 2015, the number had reached 171 till July. We expect it to increase from the previous year," she added.
A total of 423,715 domestic tourists visited the area in 2013 and 526,310 in 2014. In the first seven months of this year the number had touched 313,787.
Many people are not aware that Surabaya has six-hectare coast in Kanjeran. However, the coast has not been managed well.
The city government is planning to develop the potential of the coast stretching from Gunung Anyar to Kenjeran, she said.
The area has not only coastal tourism, but also a fishermen kampoong and a fish center.
The city government is also formulating several plans to rearrange the coastal area, hoping it will serve as a new icon of Surabaya city, she said. (*)
Editor : Edy M Yakub
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2015