Batam, Riau Islands (Antara) - The government will build four new seaports in frontier area of Batam in 2015 as part of the "sea toll road" project as envisioned by President Joko Widodo. Joko Widodo first spoke about sea toll road in his pre election campaign a project to facilitate sea transport between the country's western region and its more backward eastern region. The four port projects will be financed by the Central Government with fund from the state budget," said head of the Batam city transport service Zulhendri here on Friday. The four ports in three sub-district areas of Bulang, Nongsa and Belakang Padang on the Batam island just a few miles south of Singapore. The sub-district of Bulang will have two ports and the two other sub-district are will have one each, Zulhendri said. He said the government has set set aside around Rp6 billion to build the feeder ports . (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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