Jakarta (Antara) - The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) movement is more dangerous than the radicals in this country, Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) general chairman, Din Syamsuddin, has stated. "If other groups (the radicals) make America an enemy, ISIS makes Muslims their enemies," Din said here, Wednesday, adding that ISIS can destabilize the nation and state. "The existence of the nation which is the result of the Muslims' struggle can be threatened," Din further said. ISIS becomes very dangerous because it is laden with violence, destruction, demonstration, and use of weapons, according to him. "I observed that the culprits are the old groups," he noted, hoping that the government will play an active role in anticipating and stopping such movements. "We don't have data about anyone indicted (in the movement)," Din said, explaining that the ISIS organization is not based on Islamic teachings. In spreading its teachings, ISIS justifies violence, such as suicide bombings, looting banks, mass murder, as well as damaging sanctuaries, the MUI chairman cited. (*) Reporting by Indriani


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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