Jakarta (Antara) - The Indonesian Islamic Mass Organizations Coalition (KIIN) said the ideology of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is dangerous to the integrity of the Unitary State of Indonesia. "The ISIS ideology is against the Islamic teaching and tends to mislead (people). The ISIS ideology is a threat to and endangers the integrity of the Unitary State of Indonesia. ISIS disseminates sensitive and dangerous religious issues," KIIN Coordinator Hery Sucipto told a press conference here on Wednesday. Hery, who is also the spokesman of the Indonesian Mosque Council, stated that the emergence of ISIS, which applies religious issues in disseminating its propaganda, was feared to be easily accepted by the Indonesian people, particularly those who had low education. Hery said the KIIN hoped that the people will remain alert against provocation by certain parties related to the ISIS. "The Prophet has taught Islam full of love. Islam teaches blessing for all or rahmatan lil alamin. This is far different from the ISIS propagation, which applies violence, cruelty, and barbarity to its actions," he pointed out. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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