Jakarta (Antara) - The increase in activity on Mount Slamet in Central Java province remains normal and local residents should not panic, volcanologist Surono has announced.
"The activity remains normal, and activity from one volcano to another does not correlate with each other. This is why the eruption of Mt. Kelud does not affect the activity of Mt. Bromo, which is closer than Mt Slamet," he said here on Wednesday.
Surono, who is also head of the geology board at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, added that the media should not link the activities of one volcano to another, saying this could cause public unrest.
He further expressed his disappointment at media reports about the activities of volcanoes, including Mt Slamet, which have the potential to frighten the public.
"The activity of Mt Slamet is not related to that of Mt Kelud or Mt Sinabung. The activity of a volcano is not the same as the flu, which can spread to other people," he said.
According to the records of Mt Slamet's activities, he said there is nothing to worry about, since the volcano has only spewed smoke and ash.
The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) has raised the status of Mt Slamet from normal to an alert level, as of 9 p.m. on Monday. (*)
Reporting by Dewanto Samodro
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014
Editor : Tunggul Susilo
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014