Jakarta (Antara) - Outspoken lawmaker Ahmad Yani asked President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to "send back" Deputy Minister for Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana to where he belongs as non-governmental organization (NGO) activist. So far Denny as a deputy minister had created problem instead of solving problems, Yani said in a discussion here on Tanjung Gusta prison riot on Thursday. Denny has been a target of criticism for being behind the issuance of the government regulation (PP) No. 99 in 2012 denying corruption, drug and terrorism convicts rights to remission and other rights given to other convicts. The regulation was said to have triggered a big riot in a first class Tanjung Gusta prison in Medan leaving five people killed earlier this month with hundreds of inmates escaping. Denny still has the notion that convicts have to be punished and stay in prisons instead of seeing them as people that have to be treated in correctional institutions before they are set free as good citizens. "Therefore, President SBY should send Denny back to his habitat in NGO," Yani said. Yani said the deputy minister for law and human rights was responsible for the issuance of the controversial regulation No.99 of 2012. Based on the PP , convicts are entitled to a cut in jail term if they agree to become justice collaborators. Yani said the regulation is in contradiction with the law and other regulations on convicts and penitentiaries. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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