By Indriani
Jakart - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Jero Wacik said that Indonesia's future is green energy.
"We must leave dependency on fuel oils and move to green energy. The green energy includes geothermal, hydro, solar, biomass, waste, wind and ocean currents. This is actually the future of Indonesia," said Wacik in the "Indonesia Towards Green Energy" seminar held here Wednesday.
Wacik said that due to the dwindling reserves, Indonesia cannot be too dependent on fossil fuels or will face difficulties of fuel provision in the future.
"The government is grateful to the Indonesian community for the understanding after the subsidized fuel price is raised, I saw that people understands about the policy taken by the government which is not intended to make people suffer, but to maintain our economy," said Jero.
He added that Indonesia should not be depending on oil. The Ministry has also checked the number of fuel retail outlets in the country.
"I've checked, all the fuel stations are back to normal," he explained.
Minister Jero also said he saw the Indonesian society more mature in using energy.
He said that the Ministry also has been promoting the use of green energy through its regulations or decrees.
"So if we want to exploit green energy, this is the time. We have provided the best price, and the regulations have also existed," he said. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013
Editor : FAROCHA
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2013