Banjarnegara, C Java (Antara) - Hundreds of houses were damaged after a 4.8-magnitude earthquake rocked Dieng plateau in Central Java's Banjarnegara district on Friday night. The houses were located in the six villages of Sumberejo, Kepakisan, Pekasiran, Dieng Kulon, Pesurenan, and Gembol, Banjarnegara district. According to reports from heads of the six villages conveyed at a coordination meeting on Saturday, the quake caused damage to 311 houses, with 34 of them damaged seriously, 27 moderately and 78 lightly. The extent of damage to 172 other houses meanwhile was still unknown. The quake also damaged at least two elementary school buildings, four mosques, village head's office, an Islamic boarding school and other public utilities. Head of Kepakisan village Hamid said two people sustained bone fracture after the quake rocked the village. "The victims are a mother and her child. They were referred to Margono Soekarjo hospital in Purworejo district after being treated at Banjarnegara general hospital," he said. The quake also forced more than 5,000 people in Banjarnegara and Batang districts to evacuate. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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