Jambi - Residents in Merangin district are asking the local government or relevant agencies to immediately dispel wild Sumatran tigers that scare and prevent them from doing daily activities. Lubuk Gaung Village Chief, Abdul Karim said here on Sunday the Sumatran tigers are roaming around the residents' houses. "Residents particularly farmers and gold miners are really scared. They fear of being the savage beast's victims," he said. Abdul said earlier tigers attacked two of his villagers. Currently, the local residents are afraid to go into the woods and rivers to do their daily routine such as tapping rubber and panning for gold, he said. Neighboring Nalo Tan-Tan village chief, Thamrin also said that the government or relevant agencies must understand the people's fear of being haunted by the tigers every day. He feared if the government and related agencies do not immediately dispel the tigers, farmers on the side of the Kerinci Seblat Park (TNKS) will starve. The residents fear the tigers will attack them, so that they do not dare to tap rubber and pan for gold, or do other agricultural activities, he said. "If somebody dares to go out, they do it in a group of at least three people," said Thamrin. As reported earlier that on January 20, a 33-year old local resident named Sargawi was found dead after allegedly being attacked by the wild Sumatran tigers. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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