Youth and Sports Minister Dito Ariotedjo underscored the importance of properly preparing the national flag-raising troop (Paskibraka) for the Independence Day ceremony in Nusantara without compromising the religious beliefs of their members.

The minister made the statement at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Thursday in response to the controversy emerging from female Muslim hijab-wearing flag raisers allegedly instructed to remove their veils during an induction ceremony earlier.

 A hijab is a headscarf worn by many Muslim women to cover their hair, neck, and ears, while typically leaving the face uncovered.

Baca juga: Dirjen HAM katakan Paskibraka berjilbab tunjukkan Bhineka Tunggal Ika

"We all must always pay close attention to this matter. We cannot afford to aim for uniformity by interfering with individuals' beliefs," he stressed.

Ariotedjo also criticized the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), which manages the Paskibraka, for its vague clarification of the hijab restriction that led to public backlash.

The minister expressed deep regret over the situation while spotlighting the need to ensure that uniformity does not come at the expense of one's faith.

He stated that the Ministry of Youth and Sports had begun an investigation into this issue and would continue to provide guidance for Paskibraka members despite the authority to manage the troop having been handed over to the BPIP since 2022.

"Since Paskibraka comprises young people, we believe that we still share the responsibility to manage the flag raisers," he pointed out.

When asked about directives from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding the controversy, the minister confirmed that the head of state had not issued any specific instruction since the matter in question essentially lies within the jurisdiction of the BPIP.

Earlier, Chief of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono affirmed that all female Muslim Paskibraka members are allowed to wear their veils during the Independence Day ceremony that President Jokowi will chair in Nusantara Capital City on August 17, 2024.

He also remarked that the flag raisers did not remove their hijabs during the Independence Day ceremony dress rehearsal in Nusantara on Wednesday (August 14) morning.

Pewarta: Andi F, Tegar Nurfitra

Editor : Taufik

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