Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto departed for Jordan on Sunday night to represent Indonesia at a special summit on Gaza scheduled to take place in Amman on Tuesday.

The summit, themed “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza,” was initiated by King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sissi, and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

Brig. Gen. Edwin Adrian Sumantha, a public relations officer at the Ministry of Defense, stated on Monday that the heads of state present at the summit are expected to find ways to strengthen response to the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian enclave.

“The presence of the Indonesian government representative at the summit is expected to make a real contribution to the joint efforts to overcome the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” Edwin, who accompanied Prabowo during his visit to Amman, stated.

Prabowo is also scheduled to meet with his long-time friend, King Abdullah II.

As earlier announced, Prabowo intends to make the most of the summit to offer assistance from Indonesia in the form of peacekeeping forces, field hospitals, and healthcare professionals, as well as support for the evacuation of victims.

“I will coordinate with the UN secretary general and state leaders in the region so that Indonesia can send assistance,” he remarked in Jakarta on Friday.

Prabowo accentuated Indonesia's unwavering stance that the conflict in Gaza should be resolved through a ceasefire and negotiations.

“Indonesia also firmly supports Palestinian independence, a two-state solution, and all efforts for an immediate ceasefire,” he affirmed.

Several countries, including Australia, also sent representatives to Jordan's summit. Australia sent Minister for Early Childhood Education, Anne Aly, to attend the high-level meeting.

Pope Francis also voiced his support for the summit, which he called “an important initiative” from King Abdullah II, El-Sissi, and Guterres.

Pewarta: Anton Santoso

Editor : Abdullah Rifai

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