Jakarta - Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali has warned that there was someone who intentionally wanted to create disharmony and sectarian conflict in Indonesia. Speaking to newsmen after receiving a German parliament delegation at his office here on Thursday, the religious affairs minister said that someone wanted to create disharmony. According to him, it was because the issue of religion was classified as sensitive and easily ignited sectarian conflict. "There is a mastermind from a certain party who intentionally wants to create disharmony among religious communities," Suryadharma Ali said. German parliament deputy chairman Wolfgang Thierse who led the delegation at the meeting with the religious affairs minister also asked about the problem of inter-faith religious harmony in Indonesia. In response to Wolfgang's question, Suryadharma admitted that as a pluralist country, Indonesia was not free from conflict but he analogized this nation as a big family. "As a family, small quarrel between husband and wife, brother and sister, and even parents and children is something natural and unavoidable," the minister noted. In like manner, Suryadharma pointed out that sectarian conflict did occur at times in Indonesia but it was really beyond the will of religious leaders and religious communities. "I'm not sure that both Muslim and Christian communities in Indonesia are mutually hostile," the United Development Party (PPP) general chairman convinced the German parliament delegation.


Editor : FAROCHA

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