Jakarta, (Antara) - Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) has expressed support for the government's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 29 percent by 2030 by facilitating the collection, application, and dissemination of knowledge related to low-carbon development strategies.

MCA-Indonesia Executive Director Bonaria Siahaan remarked here on Tuesday that one manifestation of their support was the organization of the Green Prosperity Knowledge Fair 2016.

MCA-Indonesia is a trustee institution formed by the government of Indonesia as the executor of the Compact Program, which aims to help alleviate poverty.

"The Green Prosperity Knowledge Fair 2016 is an initiative by MCA-Indonesia to provide value in understanding the activities of the 'Green Prosperity Project.' Knowledge is disbursed to encourage the development of new learning models," Bonaria stated.

As part of the management of spreading knowledge, she said the event organizers had invited participation from the community and experts on a wide range of issues from the Green Prosperity Project portfolio, including the policy on spatial data and maps, renewable energy, cocoa, social forestry, peatland management, and green management.

At the forum, these experts shared their knowledge and experience.

The organizers specifically invited parties considered successful in managing natural resources and renewable energy.(*)

Pewarta: Supervisor

Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2016