New York, (Antara) - Indonesia will assign about four thousand personnel for the United Nations peacekeeping operations until 2019 due to an increase in the number of conflicts globally, Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated in New York, Monday.

"Again, Indonesia has promised to increase the number of equipment and the peacekeepers from the current 2.7 thousand to four thousand personnel by 2019," the Indonesian vice president remarked at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Kalla is in New York along with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Ambassador/Permanent representative for the United Nations Desca Percaya to attend the 70th United Nations General Assembly.

He explained that although there are 100 thousand peacekeepers, but he believes that the number is still not adequate and should be increased.

"Since 1957 until the present times, Indonesia has been sending its peacekeeping force for 58 years," Kalla noted.

In the meantime, Foreign Minister Marsudi remarked that Indonesia had proposed the inclusion of more non-permanent members in the United Nations Security Council.

"Indonesia continues to lobby with other countries, so that there are additional non-permanent members in the United Nations Security Council," she added.(*)  

Pewarta: Supervisor

Editor : Chandra Hamdani Noer

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