Kendari, SE Sulawesi (Antara) - President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said that he is ready to accept the unpopularity he might face due to his planned decision to reduce the current fuel oil subsidy. This subsidy, Jokowi stated, has been unhelpful and a burden to the state budget so far. "Some say I will become unpopular (if I make this decision). I told them that I did not become a leader to seek popularity. A leader has responsibilities and every decision he makes carries a risk," he remarked at the opening of a national meeting of the alumni of Yogyakarta-based state Gajah Mada University here on Thursday. In the last five years, the government spent Rp714 trillion on fuel oil subsidies, while those for the sectors of infrastructure and health were recorded at only Rp577 trillion and Rp202 trillion, respectively, the president pointed out. "What do you think about that? We have been wasteful. We have burned Rp714 trillion. Imagine how many dams could have been built with the funds if you estimate the cost of one dam to be Rp400 billion. We could have built 1,400 dams," he explained. "I wish to raise awareness regarding this problem. Something was wrong and we must now correct it. In view of that, we will reallocate the fuel oil subsidies to aid more productive purposes. These include the development of irrigation networks and dams, fertilizer and seed subsidies for farmers, and engines for fishermen," Jokowi noted. President Jokowi further stated that calculations were still being made with regard to the policy to reduce the fuel oil subsidy. "After the figures are finalized and protection cards are in place, I might be able to make the announcement this month. You will know later," he told newsmen after opening the meeting. (*) Reporting by Muhammad Arief Iskandar


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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