Jakarta (Antara) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democrat Party has said that it would give support if president-elect Joko Widodo later decides to continue the Bali Democracy Forum. "There is nothing wrong for Jokowi (Joko Widodo) to continue the Bali Democracy Forum as based on experience so far the presence of influential figures in the event has produced recognition of democracy in Indonesia. The Democrat Party will support Jokowi to continue the forum," a politician from the Democrat Party, Michael Wattimena, said here on Sunday. The Bali Democracy Forum was initiated by President Yudhoyono in 2008 and has so far been the pride of the President. Michael said President Yudhoyono created the Bali Democracy Forum to promote democratization process in Indonesia. The forum is held for an exchange of experience and ideas as well as certainly exposing the implementation of democracy in Indonesia as an example for other countries. "Jokowi like SBY (President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) are the fruits of democratic process in Indonesia. So, we are expecting a continuation of the program. Good programs are worth continuation including the Bali Democracy Forum," he said. Michel did not deny that the recent enactment of the regional election law (Pilkada law) has raised questions about SBY's support to development of democracy in Indonesia. "Although SBY has issued Perppu Number 1/2014 (regulation in lieu of law) to revoke the Pilkada law he still continues receiving criticism while the fact is that the issuance of the Perppu is his concern towards the upholding of democracy. So, it will be our task to explain to the public that the 10 points the Democrat Party proposed ahead of the vote are our genuine intention to improve the implementation of the direct system of elections," he said. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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