Jakarta (Antara) - Batik Indonesia Foundation (YBI) has launched a magazine named "Batik On Fashion" to encourage the preservation and the improvement of batik, especially among the younger generation and public.
"This is our first edition magazine that has been published to support the preservation and enhancement of batik. This magazine particularly targets the young generation and the public," Yultin Ginanjar Kartasasmita, the chairperson of Batik Indonesia Foundation, stated here on Friday.
The magazine, which is published in Indonesian language, has been launched to coincide with the 20th commemoration of Batik Indonesia Foundation, which is also in line with the National Batik Day observed on October 2.
The National Batik Day 2014 celebrations are based on the theme "Sogan, the Classic Batik Art."
Sogan Batik is one of the Indonesian classical forms of Batik, which predominately has varied brown tones.
The name "Sogan" was derived from the Soga log tree, which is a source to make the natural colors for the batik paintings.
Sogan batik bears resemblance to the Javanese Batik such as those showcased in the Ngayogyakarta Royal Palace (Yogyakarta) and Surakarta Royal Palace. The motifs usually follow the standard classical patterns observed in those found in the palaces.
"The classical Sogan Batik is selected as many people are interested in it. Besides this, the motifs last relatively long, and their designs are not influenced by the changing seasons," Yultin added. (*)
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014
Editor : FAROCHA
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014