Jakarta (Antara) - Deputy governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) said he was not worried with plan by radical Islam Defender Front (FPI) to stage a big demonstration rejecting him as new governor. The outspoken vice governor is an ethnic Chinese and a Christian and FPI has been against him from the beginning for his ethnic and religious backgrounds. Fahri Hamzah, a legislator from the Islamic Prosperous Justice party (PKS) has said the people of Jakarta did not want Ahok as their governor. Ahok, however, has gained popularity among the people for his outspokenness against corrupt officials and strict disciplinary measure. According to regulation, Ahok will replace Governor Joko Widodo, the president elect who is to resign before he is installed new president of the country on Oct. 21. The move against Ahok was revived after he tendered his resignation as cadre of Gerindra party in opposition of the party's initiative to support indirect elections for regional leader including governor. Under the indirect election system a regional leaders would be elected by regional legislative assembly, a revision of the system adopted by the country over the past 10 years with regional leaders elected directly by the people. FPI said it plans to bring in a big crowd to the the City Hall on Wednesday to demonstrate their opposition to Ahok becoming governor. Ahok said he was not the least worried with FPI's plan to stage big protest on Wednesday. "Do I feel threatened?. From the beginning I have been threatened," he said lightly. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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