Nusa Dua, Bali (Antara) - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, during the Sixth United Nations Global Alliance for Civilizations (UNAOC) Forum here on Friday, praised Indonesia's principle of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" or "Unity in Diversity." "It is more than a slogan. It is a way of life that can play a role in creating peace," Ban stated. The secretary general highlighted various crises occurring in the world today as a result of clashes between different races, ethnicities, or religious beliefs. Hence, Ban expressed hope that the UNAOC will be able to contribute to a more peaceful world. The 6th UNAOC held in Bali's Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) on Friday aims to bridge inter-civilization communication across the world. The meeting is being attended by 114 members of UNAOC's Group of Friends (GoF) and 20 ministerial-level officials. The UNAOC was initiated by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan on July 14, 2005, and was co-sponsored by former prime minister of Spain Jose Luis Rodreguez Zapatero and Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The first UNAOC Global Forum was held in Madrid, Spain, in 2008, to jointly condemn extremist actions, such as bomb attacks in Bali, Madrid, Egypt, Istanbul, and London. The Bali Forum, this year, is being attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, UN High Representative of the UNAOC Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, and prominent speakers from government and non-government organizations. The Global Forum themed "Unity in Diversity" lays emphasis on the four pillars of Education, Youth, Media, and Migration. The theme is based on Indonesia's national motto of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" or "Unity in Diversity." The motto mirrors the outlook of Indonesia's founding fathers and embraces the wealth of Indonesia's cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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