Jakarta (Antara) - In case the Prabowo-Hatta pair wins the election then the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cadres will be considered for the religious ministerial post in the cabinet, remarked Mahfud MD, the chairman of the Prabowo-Hatta success team. "I will propose the matter and Mr Prabowo will agree to it," Mahfud stated after attending a consolidation event of "Mahfud's Friends" in the Kemayoran area here on Wednesday. Mahfud, who is a former Constitutional Court chairman, noted that he and General Chairman of NU Said Aqil Siradj will propose a name from Indonesia's largest Muslim organization for the post of religious minister. "Said and I will select a name from NU's moderate cadres rather than from the hardliner cadres and propose it to Prabowo," he added. Mahfud remarked that the NU was a flexible organization that was ready to accept differences in religions, traditions, and ethnic groups, which was paramount for Indonesia as it is a plural society. But, he refused to voice his interest in the religious ministerial post. "Oh no, it is not me. I will never become a religious affairs minister. He or she must be a person who is well-versed in religion," he pointed out. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Jawa Timur 2014