Beijing (Antara/Xinhua-OANA) - China is making an all-out effort to search and rescue the Malaysia Airlines flight that has been missing since Saturday morning as the whole country continues to pray for the safety of the passengers onboard. "As of now, the search and the rescue team has yet to determine the whereabouts of the MH370," said the airline's spokesman at a press conference in Beijing early Sunday, which lasted less than 30 minutes. A team of 93 staff from the airline arrived in Beijing late Saturday night. The spokesman said they are here mainly to take care of the relatives of those on board the missing flight. Once the whereabouts of the aircraft is determined, the airline will fly members of the families to the location, according to the spokesman. Around 120 relatives and friends of passengers on the missing jet have arrived in Beijing and have been accommodated at the Lido hotel near the capital airport. Divers and salvagers sent by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) are on their way to the sea area off Vietnam where the missing Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines jet is suspected to have crashed. The emergency team is expected to arrive in Sanya city of south China's Hainan Province Sunday morning and get on board rescue vessels bound for the sea area. Two warships of the Chinese navy, "Jinggangshan" and "Mianyang", are already on their way to the possible crash site, navy sources said. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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