Jakarta (Antara) - Vice President Boediono will not meet a team of lawmakers in charge of monitoring the settlement of the Century Bank case, his spokesman Yopie Hidayat said here on Wednesday. He said Vice President Boediono did not wish to disrupt the investigation currently underway by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). "Pak (Mr) Boediono is committed to helping the KPK settle the Century case and would not like to see the process disrupted by any political intervention," he said in a press statement. He noted that the House of Representatives (DPR) had taken a decision to refer the Century Bank case to the KPK. The task of the monitoring team, based on that decision, is to monitor the actions of those enforcing the law. Summoning parties, especially those that have already offered explanations to the KPK, runs contrary to the decision of the DPR and is also beyond the responsibilities of the monitoring team, the spokesman added. The statement was prepared in response to a decision made earlier in the day by the monitoring team to call the vice president to clarify his role in the Century Bank case on December 18. "The monitoring team has agreed, after consultations and based on various considerations, to invite Pak Boediono to a meeting on December 18," deputy house speaker Pramono Anung announced after leading the team's meeting on Wednesday. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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