By Amie Fenia Arimbi Jakarta (Antara) - About 300 people from various mass organizations, namely the Laskar Merah Putih, the GM FKPPI and Pemuda Panca Marga staged a demonstration in front of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta on Thursday following reports of spying conducted by Australia in Indonesia. The protesters started the rally by placing the Indonesian flag in front of the embassy and then burning tires. They also painted the asphalt in front of the embassy with the writing "Go To Hell Australia". Some protesters were even seen carrying banners such as "Fight Australia's Espionage." In his speech, the leader of the protesters demanded Australia's Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty to convey a message to Prime Minister Tony Abbott that Australia must apologize for its spying actions. Even though the rally was conducted peacefully, it caused a traffic jam on the Rasuna Said road in Kuningan, Jakarta. Indonesia and Australia's relations have worsened after it was revealed that the latter had tapped the private cell phone of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, First Lady Ani Yudhoyono and some ministers back in 2009. The information is based on documents leaked by former contractor of the United States' National Security Agency (NSA) Edward Snowden, who is now living under asylum in Russia. Responding to the information, Indonesia has demanded a public explanation from Australia. In the meantime, Indonesia also recalled its Ambassador to Australia Nadjib Riphat Kesoema for further consultation. Indonesia has also temporarily frozen any military cooperation with Australia, including a joint effort to tackle people's smuggling, which is a big issue for Australia. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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