Makassar, South Sulawesi - Indonesia now becomes a model of world terrorist handling, the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Chief Ansyaad Mbai said here on Wednesday. "In its effort to handle terrorism, Indonesia is consistent in legal supremacy and does not need to use missiles like other countries. Therefore, Indonesia becomes the model world terrorist handling," Ansyaad said during a BNPT discussion with journalists on terrorism. He said Indonesia was considered successful in handling terrorist without involving a number of large forces like that in other countries. According to him, the Indonesian counter-terrorism squad Special Detachment 88 (Densus 88) was able to work well in handling terrorism in the country. "There is a presumption that the work of the police in arresting and hunting terrorists 100 percent violates human rights, but it is natural in accordance with existing law because they are facing with terrorists," Ansyaad noted. He pointed out that in handling terrorism, Indonesia was admired by many countries because the Densus 88 was able to arrest a number of terrorists. Ansyaad said that based on existing data, there have been 840 terrorism cases since 2002 in Indonesia. According to him, Densus 88 was established in 2003 after the 2002 Bali bombings, and ever since it has worked with considerable success against terrorism. Meanwhile, BNPT first deputy May Gen Agus Surya Bakti said his party would make every effort to fortify the younger generation against the influence of terrorism and radical movement. "We will knit together the younger generation to combat terrorism and acts of radicalism," Agus said in the discussion. Besides, chairman of South Sulawesi Terrorist Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT), Arifin Hamid said the forum was formed to monitor and prevent terrorism and radical movement in the province. "Our task in FKPT is to monitor and to prevent the movement of terrorism and radicalism in our effort to create a peaceful situation in the province," he noted. (*) (Reporting by Translation and Edit T.O001/A/O. Tamindael/F. Assegaf)


Editor : FAROCHA

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