Jayapura - The military and police said they are still investigating recent shooting of fishermen leaving four killed and three other injured in the regency of Raja Ampat, West Papua. Chief of the Cendrawasih Military Command Maj. Gen. Christian Zebua said the military together with the police are set to uncover the case. "We are still in the process of investigations to find out suspects and motives of the shooting," Christian told ANTARA news agency here on Friday. The military and police are looking into possibility of involvement of military or police members, he said. "We would not condone murder what ever the reason and motives," he said , adding, the military is taught to protect the people. He promised to act firmly against any military men found involved in the shooting at the village of Waigama on the island of Papan, the regency of Raja Ampat, five hours away by mator boat from Misool Utara. The dead victims were identified as La Tula (13), La Ninu (55), La Jaka (30), and La Edi (20), and the three injured are La Anu (20), La Diri (20) and La Udin (30), all from the island of Buaya off the city of Sorong. (*)


Editor : FAROCHA

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